12 Fixes: Reddit Not Loading/Showing Comments

Are Reddit comments not loading for you?

If Reddit is not showing comments, you have landed on the right page. This post explains why Reddit may not show comments for you and what you can do to fix it.

So, let’s get started.

Why can’t I see comments on a Reddit post?

Not being able to see comments on Reddit posts can be due to the comments being offensive or against the community guidelines hence being removed by the moderator.

If you have tried numerous times to check comments on Reddit and have been wondering why Reddit not showing comments it could be that the comments posted by other individuals on the post might be offensive and against the Reddit community guidelines.

Whenever any post or comment is not appropriate for the platform, it will be removed by the moderators.

You might get numerous notifications that you have received comments on your latest Reddit post, but then you face the issue of Reddit not showing comments in this thread can be due to numerous factors.

Reddit image

People if they find the comments offensive and report it to the moderators then it will be completely removed as it might hurt the feelings of other people on the platform.

As Reddit community wants to promote equality couples with making the platform user-friendly so that everyone who uses the platform is able to express themselves freely without offending anyone.

Once the post or comments is deemed to be offensive or if someone finds it offensive and reports it to the Reddit support team then there can be issues such as the comments being removed.

Assuming you observe a string that says there are a larger number of remarks than you can find in the string, the “missing” remarks were likely taken out – by the arbitrators of that Subreddit, by the Reddit spam channel, or by the Subreddit’s neighborhood Auto Moderator.

A remark which is taken out in this manner really remains in the string; it is simply covered up so peruses can’t see it. Thus, Reddit includes an eliminated remark in the absolute remarks for a string, however doesn’t show it.

This is a known bug associated with the official Reddit app. When there is a bug on the server of Reddit it can cause issues with the comments being displayed.

It can be really confusing figuring out what’s happening when you post a thread, and then you get a notification that someone commented on the thread you posted, but when you click on the notification it doesn’t get displayed on the screen or gets linked through the notification clearly indicates issues caused by a bug.

How to fix Reddit not showing comments on video, video call and posts

Reddit not showing comments on video, video call and posts can be caused by factors such as issues with the server, issues with the app, bugs on the Reddit server. Though this problem can cause you to be disheartened about now being able to access the comments. Below numerous steps have been mentioned to tackle such problem:

1: Check Internet connection

As mentioned even having a slow internet connection can lead up to facing issue with Reddit not showing comments. Though the issue with the internet connection can be resolved by either rebooting the Wi-Fi or switching to using an Ethernet cable. Below there are steps mentioned to reboot the Wi-Fi:

  1. Unplug both the router and modem from the outlet.
  2. Wait for almost 10-15 minutes and plug in the router.
  3. After the passage of 10–15 minutes, plug in the modem.
  4. Then after a while, go ahead and restart both of them.

If the comments not being viewed is due to internet issues, then you can go ahead and try to reboot the Wi-Fi, while also using Ethernet cable as it will provide with a better internet connection. Try opening the Reddit app and check whether the issue has been fixed or not.

2. Make sure Reddit servers aren’t down

Sometimes the issue might not be just from your side. So, it better to check whether the issue lies on your end or on the server end.

That being said, visit the downdetector page for Reddit. Here, check the number of reports and user comments. If there are significant reports, it means the servers are having issues.

Reddit server status

If the servers are down, you would like to wait till the servers get restored.

Sometimes, Reddit comments don’t show up because of problems with Reddit’s servers. Just a few days ago (August 2023), I couldn’t see comments, and many others had the same issue. Even though I knew people had posted comments, they just weren’t visible. It can be frustrating, but usually, it gets fixed.

3. Wait for a Delay

Sometimes, comments may take a while to appear due to various reasons. If you’re experiencing this issue, consider waiting for 10-15 minutes to see if the comments eventually load. It’s possible that they are delayed in displaying.

4. Clear cache

Often times when you have an app installed with cache building up over time, those cache files can get corrupted by numerous factors and hence lead you to face issues while using the Reddit app and also cause issues with Reddit not showing comments. To clear cache:

For android:

  1. Head to the settings on the device.
  2. Navigate to the apps section.
  3. Scroll and locate Reddit app.
  4. Tap on it and then tap on storage.
  5. From the options given, Tap on “Clear cache”.

For IOS:

  1. Head to the settings.
  2. Locate apps.
  3. Navigate and tap on Reddit app.
  4. Go ahead and tap on “clear cache”.

If the issue has been caused by corrupted cache files, then it will be solved as soon as you clear cache on your device. Corrupted cache files can cause the app or the site to not function properly and hence making it full of bugs and glitches which land up causing numerous issues for the day-to-day users of the app.

5. Log out and Log in again

Logging out of your Reddit account and logging back in can also be a solution to fix the issue of Reddit not showing comments on videos, video calls, or posts.

This can help refresh your account settings and clear any temporary issues with your account.

To log out of Reddit, click on your username in the top right corner of the screen, then click “Log Out.” Once you’re logged out, you can log back in by entering your username and password.

6. Update Reddit app

Another thing you need to do is to update the Reddit app to the latest version.

If you are not using the latest version of the app there could be underlying bugs and issues preventing the app to load comments.

So, make sure you have the latest Reddit app.

To update the Reddit app visit App Store or Google Play Store on your iOS or Android device.

7. Uninstall and Install app

As the issue can be imposed by having an older version of the app installed on your device then you might need to upgrade it to the latest one in order to avail the new features and not face issues with the bugs of the older version.

reddit app

For Android:

To Uninstall:

  1. Locate the Reddit app on device.
  2. Tap and hold for a few seconds.
  3. Then uninstall it.

To install:

  1. Head to Google Play store.
  2. Search up Reddit app.
  3. Then tap on install

For IOS devices:

To Uninstall:

  1. Locate the Reddit app on device.
  2. Tap and hold for a few seconds.
  3. Then uninstall it.

To install:

  1. Head to App store.
  2. Search up Reddit app.
  3. Then tap on install.

You can go ahead and log in to your account, then go ahead and check whether the comments on your post threads are being displayed. If the comments are not being displayed on another persons’ account, it can be that the comments might be hidden from the public along with the comments not being displayed due to having an older outdated version of the app that contains bugs.

8. Check for Browser Extensions

Browser extensions and add-ons can sometimes interfere with the proper functioning of websites. Try disabling any extensions or add-ons you have installed in your browser to see if they are causing the problem. This action might help resolve the issue of comments not loading.

9. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Over time, your browser’s cache and cookies can become outdated or corrupted, causing issues with website functionality. Clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can refresh the connection to Reddit. After doing this, refresh the Reddit page to check if comments start loading properly.

10. Use a Different Browser

If the issue persists in your current browser, try accessing Reddit using a different web browser. This will help determine if the problem is specific to your current browser. Using an alternative browser can be a temporary solution while you troubleshoot the issue.

11. Check for Shadow Ban

Shadow banning is a measure sometimes used by platforms to limit a user’s visibility without their knowledge. To check if you might be shadow-banned, you can post a comment on a subreddit or check your account status on a subreddit like r/ShadowBan. If you are shadow-banned, your comments may not be visible to others.

12. Contact the Reddit support team

If the bug and the glitch is the one causing such an issue then you need to contact the Reddit support team regarding such matters as if you are the only individual facing such an issue then it will prolong hence causing the same problem in the long run.

By contacting the Reddit support team, you will be able to gain assistance from the experts who will give you a more explained explanation about the matter at hand. If the comments have been removed by them then you can contact them right away to address the matter at hand.


Q1. Why is Reddit so slow?

Answer: A few clients have stuck the reason for Reddit dialing back of late on its refreshed UI that downloads more information and, in this way, overwhelms your web association. Occasionally, Reddit emerges with new updates that sluggish the site down. Each product gets bugs.

SEE ALSO: [13 Ways] Fix Reddit app not loading

Final words

Reddit has proved itself to be one of the most user-friendly platforms where you can meet new people and be part of amazing communities where you can express yourself freely. Though there can be issues with Reddit not showing comments, even these issues can be addressed.

We hope that this article assisted you in any form. Do check out our other articles!

Further Reading: 

[2 Ways] How to Delete Reddit account on Mobile

How to fix Reddit sorry something went wrong

How to fix Reddit GIFs not loading?

[6 Ways] How to Fix Reddit chat not working?

Fix Reddit ‘something went wrong and the conversation couldn’t be created’ error

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Benisha, a tech enthusiast with a passion for PC gaming (motosports) and a love for all things automotive. With a wealth of expertise in social media apps, software, and devices, Benisha is dedicated to assisting users in resolving their tech-related issues. Whether you're navigating the digital world or hitting the virtual racetrack, Benisha is your go-to tech expert.