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Why are there Pink Blotches on my TV Screen (Solutions)

Wondering why your TV screen is flickering pink/green? Fret not, we’re here to assist you. Smart TVs are common in

Naima Zubair 7 Min Read

Why can’t I See who Rewatched my Snapchat Story

Snapchat, a widely used social media platform that is well-known for the ephemeral nature of its material and the one-of-a-kind

Abhishek Nath 4 Min Read

What Does ‘The Number You Have Called is Not Recognised’ Means

Communication is an essential component of each one of our lives in this highly technologically evolved planet. It doesn't matter

Abhishek Nath 8 Min Read

Fix: Spectrum App not Working on Samsung TV, Roku & Firestick

Spectrum is a popular internet service that provides high-speed internet, cable TV, premium mobile service, and more. With the Spectrum

Naima Zubair 12 Min Read

Why is Someone Who I Have Never Chatted to Before in My Recent List on Snapchat?

If you're wondering why someone you've never talked to before appears in your Snapchat recent list, don't worry because we've

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read