Instagram Story Navigation Meaning – Forward, Next Story, Back, Exit

What do you like the most on Instagram?

Many will say exciting Instagram stories. These are the vertical pieces of images or videos that last for 24 hours only. You can view them quickly at the Instagram app interface above the news feed. However, have you ever thought about what is story navigation?

So today, let us go through Instagram story navigation details and other associated concepts in this section. We’ll try to understand what it is and the difference between forward and next for Instagram stories.

What does Navigation mean on Instagram

Instagram users can keep a check on their content performance using the insights. The Instagram story ”Navigation’ metrics help in understanding how the target audience is reacting to the Instagram story content.

Below are some of the key benefits of Instagram story insights:

  • Understanding user behaviour

It is easy for marketing professionals to understand the user behaviour for a particular age group or gender.

  • Tracking Instagram story content

It helps in tracking the Instagram story content and knowing if it is generating the required interaction or engagement.

  • Performance of Instagram story

It helps with the performance of the Instagram story as you can go through the total number of shares.

Instagram Story Navigation Meaning

Instagram story insights divide the entire Instagram story monitoring into different metrics that are available under the navigation section. Let’s learn what the different navigation mean.

Instagarm story navigation

  • Instagram Story Navigation Forward meaning –

It is the number of times a viewer has tapped on the screen’s right side to move to the next story. It indicates the general method of the viewers to browse different Instagram stories. The high number of Forward Taps means that your story is not interesting to the viewers as they didn’t wait to finish it.

So, the lower number of Forward Taps is good for engaging Instagram stories.

  • Instagram Story Navigation Next Story meaning –

It is the number of times a viewer slides on a story to stop watching it and move to the next user’s story. It indicates which Instagram stories have the maximum user drop-off out of all the stories. The stories with the maximum number of Next Story Swipes should be avoided by the account users to reduce disinterested audiences.

Further, it helps find out the right number of Instagram stories that can be added at one point. It will help users to increase the total followers list. Further, learn more about follow feature and Can You Call Someone On Instagram If You Don’t Follow Them here.

  • Instagram Story Navigation Exit Story meaning –

It is the number of times a viewer has stopped watching an Instagram story at any point. It can or can’t be linked to your story and hence can’t be a direct indicator of the content performance.

The possible reasons for Exit Story Taps can be users moving to their Instagram feed, clicking on the link, and exiting from the Instagram app.

  • Instagram Story Navigation Back meaning-

It is the number of times a viewer has tapped on the screen’s left side to rewatch the previous story. It indicates how many people are interested in re-watching the story or having a look at it again. The Back Taps take viewers to your previous stories.

What is the difference between Forward and Next Story on Instagram insights?

Moving ahead, are you interested in knowing the differences between Forward and Next Story on Instagram insights?

Forward indicates the number of times any viewer has clicked on the screen’s right side to move to the next story. A high number of Forward metrics indicate that your Instagram story wasn’t interesting to the viewers.

Next Story refers to the number of times a viewer has slid on your Instagram story to stop watching it and move to the next user. A high number of Next Story taps indicates the stories in which your viewers were not interested and you have to stop focusing on adding such stories.

Moving ahead, have you tried to call someone on Instagram but failed to connect? Learn Instagram Call No Answer Meaning (Calling Vs Ringing).


Parting words

Hope it is easy to understand Instagram story navigation. It covers different metrics like back taps, forward taps, next story swipes, and exit story taps. You can easily go through the forward and next story on Instagram insights in detail.

Do let us know about your views on this Instagram story guide in the comments section!

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By Ruby
An active wordsmith delivering high-quality technical content on She loves to keep herself updated with consistent reading. A strong believer of consistent learning, she loves to read about technology, news, and current affairs.