Televisions (TV)

Latest Televisions (TV) News

(2024) Fix: Vertical Lines on Vizio TV screen

Do you have flickering horizontal or vertical lines on your Vizio TV? Lines and glitches ruin the experience of your

Shujaat Karim 11 Min Read

Fix: Vizio TV turns off by itself after 3 seconds or 5 seconds

If Vizio TV turns on and then shuts off right away and you can't find the solution, you have landed

Ankit 12 Min Read

Fix: Vizio TV Broadcasting as an Unsecured WiFi Hotspot

Your Vizio TV has an independent SSID (Service Set Identifier) so that it can be paired with any of your

Aditya Murkar 10 Min Read

Best TCL Game Mode Settings (2024)

TCL TVs are pretty popular nowadays, and so are gaming consoles. So, if you have both, you’re probably wondering what

Arvind Rueben 13 Min Read

(9 Fixes) LG TV ‘Could not Establish a Connection to the Access Point’

Is your LG TV not working as it should? Are you unable to stream content on your TV? You have

Abhishek Nath 12 Min Read