Abhishek Nath

Technical writer and avid fan of cutting-edge gadgetry, Abhishek has authored works on the subject of Android & iOS. He's a talented writer who can make almost any topic interesting while helping his viewers with tech-related guides is his passion. In his spare time, he goes camping and hiking adventures.
372 Articles

Fix: confirm your info on the app Instagram black screen

Are you frustrated because of Instagram black screen issue? Have you recently

Abhishek Nath 13 Min Read

Why is my payment method declined on Apple Music?

Are you having trouble with the payment method on Apple Music? Don’t

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read

Why does my TikTok keep resetting 2023

If your TikTok keeps resetting you have landed on the right page.

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read

Fix: JVC TV Vertical/Horizontal Green Line Problem

Have you ever wondered why your JVC TV has vertical lines and

Abhishek Nath 12 Min Read

Does Hinge have read receipts? (No)

Do you want to know if Hinge has read receipts or not?

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read