How to Not be Suggested on Instagram (9 Ways)

Are you feeling left out and ignored on Instagram?

Are you struggling to get noticed by the algorithm?

If so, you’re not alone! Instagram’s algorithm can be tricky to navigate, but don’t worry – with our tips and tricks; you’ll learn how not to be suggested on Instagram in no time!

Do private accounts show on Instagram suggestions?

Short answer: Yes, private accounts can show up in Instagram suggestions. If a user frequently searches for and interacts with posts from a personal account, Instagram may suggest that the user follow the intimate performance. Also, Instagram may indicate that the user follows a personal statement.

‌Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share images and videos. It also allows users to follow other accounts. But what happens if an account is set to private?

Do private funds show up in Instagram suggestions?

Instagram logo


When you open your Instagram account, you may see some reports suggested as recommendations. These recommendations are based on various factors, including who you follow and interact with, what posts you like, and your content. It’s possible that private accounts can show up in these suggestions.

Private accounts are those that are not visible to the public. The user has to approve any followers from other charges, and their posts are only visible to followers they have accepted. Private funds don’t show up in public Instagram searches and don’t appear in hashtags.

The way that private accounts show up in Instagram suggestions is through mutual followers. So, for example, if you follow someone, and they follow a personal reserve, that account may be suggested as a possible follow suggestion. Similarly, if someone you’re friends with follows a personal budget, that account may appear in your offers.

It’s also possible that private accounts could show up in Instagram’s algorithmically generated suggestions. For example, Instagram’s algorithm recommends statements relevant to your interests; personal funds could fit that criterion.

For example, suppose you’re interested in a specific topic and follow many related accounts. In that case, a private fund specializing in that topic may be suggested as a possible follow.

In summary, private accounts can show up in Instagram suggestions. This is due to both mutual followers and Instagram’s algorithmically generated recommendations. If you’re interested in a specific topic, you may want to check out some private accounts specializing in that area.

How to Not be Suggested on Instagram

Instagram can be a great way to connect with family, friends, and followers. But, when you start getting suggested from people you don’t know, it can be annoying and intrusive. So, here are some tips on how to not be indicated on Instagram.

1: Make sure your account is private

If your account is public, anyone can follow you, and you may be suggested to people you don’t know.

To make your account private, go to the “Settings” tab and select “Privacy” to make sure “Private Account” is set.

Make sure your account is private


2. Turn off ‘Show account suggestions on profiles’

Note: This option is only available on Instagram web version. So, you will have to use your Instagram account on on a web browser (either on mobile or PC)

Follow the steps below to turn off ‘Show account suggestions on profiles’

  • Log in to your Instagram account on a web browser (Mobile or PC)
  • To go to your profile, tap your profile picture in the bottom right.
  • Tap Edit profile.
  • Tap to untick the box next to ‘Show account suggestions on profiles’, then tap Submit.

Turn off 'Show account suggestions on profiles'

As per Instagram, when you turn off account suggestions for your profile, you won’t appear as a suggestion on someone else’s profile either.

3. Disable Contact Syncing

Instagram also suggests people from contact list. So, you would prefer to stop or disable contact syncing feature on Instagram to avoid new account suggestion as well limit your account to be suggested to other users.

Follow the steps below to disable contact syncing:

  • Open Instagram
  • Tap on your profile icon
  • Tap the hamburger menu and tap on ‘Settings’
  • Now, tap on ‘Account’
  • Scroll down to find the option ‘Contacts syncing’
  • Now, turn off the toggle for ‘Connect contacts’
  • Finally, select ‘Disconnect’

Disable contact syncing instagram

4: Don’t follow too many people

Instagram suggests people based on who you follow and who follows you, so following many people can increase your chances of being told. Instead, limit who you follow and be selective about who you follow back.

Hashtags are a great way to get your content noticed, but they can also be used to suggest people to you. For example, iff you use popular hashtags, Instagram may think you have similar interests to others who use them and recommend you to them.

6: Don’t use location tags

Location tags let people know where you are, but they can also suggest people to you. Avoid using location tags if you don’t want to be presented to people in your area.

7: Block people you don’t want to be suggested to

If you know the person who is telling you, you can block them. Go to the person’s profile page, click the three dots on their profile page, and select “Block” from the menu.

8: Limit your engagement

Instagram’s algorithm takes into account the level of engagement you have with other users. If you engage less with other users, you may be less likely to appear in suggested users.

So, limit the posts you like, comment less, limit your searches.

9: Report accounts that suggest you

You can report their account if you don’t know the person telling you. Go to their profile page, click the three dots, and select “Report” from the menu.

Following these tips should help you avoid being suggested on Instagram. However, if you still are offered to people you don’t know, you can always contact Instagram’s support team for help.


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Final words

In conclusion, if you want to avoid being suggested to others on Instagram, you must take steps to protect your privacy. This means setting your account to private, avoiding posting personal information, and not tagging yourself in photos or videos with others.

In addition, you should also avoid large followings and unverified accounts, as these can lead to unwanted attention from others. Following these steps, you can stay off Instagram’s suggestion list and maintain privacy.

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A content writer with a B.Tech degree from Kalinga University, Saksham Jamwal, has a passion for writing. His favorite genre to write about is the 'daily use devices' and 'social media'. He has worked on multiple projects ranging from blog posts to product reviews and loves to connect with people through his writing. Saksham is a creative and motivated individual who strives to produce informative and relatable content.