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[7 Ways to Fix] Why does Spotify play the same songs on shuffle

Shuffling playlists, albums, or artist profiles on Spotify helps you mix up what to play next without messing up your

Sakshi Dubey 8 Min Read

Why does Spotify Play Songs not on my Playlist

Spotify, being the top music streaming app taking an edge over Apple Music has many exciting features in it. The

Sai Prasaad 9 Min Read

Fix: Pulsing Green Light on Alexa But No Incoming Call

Amazon Echo device with Alexa is a great tool to add to your inventory in the era of ever-developing and

Shujaat Karim 10 Min Read

[Fix] Why are songs Greyed out on Spotify (2023)

The music streaming industry has been competitive for around a couple of years. There might be many music streaming apps

Sai Prasaad 7 Min Read

Fix: Youtube Subscriptions Disappeared/ Missing (9 Ways)

YouTube has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering a vast array of content and allowing us to

Karthik Talakokkula 8 Min Read