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[2024] Plex Subtitles Not Working (Try These Fixes)

Are you having trouble getting your Plex subtitles to work? Are you trying to figure out why Plex subtitles won't

Saksham Jamwal 12 Min Read

Best TCL Game Mode Settings (2024)

TCL TVs are pretty popular nowadays, and so are gaming consoles. So, if you have both, you’re probably wondering what

Arvind Rueben 13 Min Read

Fix: Asus Laptop Won’t Turn On but Lights are On

ASUS laptop won’t turn on? Are you staring at your laptop’s black screen even though the lights are on? There’s

Naima Zubair 9 Min Read

Call Ended Without Ringing: Reasons & Fixes

Telephone calls are an essential mode of communication in the modern, highly interconnected society. On the other hand, it might

Abhishek Nath 11 Min Read

(9 Fixes) LG TV ‘Could not Establish a Connection to the Access Point’

Is your LG TV not working as it should? Are you unable to stream content on your TV? You have

Abhishek Nath 12 Min Read