(Quick Answer) If someone is your Best Friend on Snapchat are you theirs too?


Snapchat is one of the favorite social media apps out there. There are a lot of things that make it different from any other social media app.

The Best Friend tags and emojis are one of its features, but Snapchat’s way of recognizing someone as a Best Friend can be a bit confusing at times. Snapchatters sometimes wonder if their Best Friend on Snapchat has them on their Best Friend list.

In this post, we will help you understand how these tags work in Snapchat.

If someone is your Best Friend on Snapchat are you theirs

Quick Answer: No, if someone is your best friend on Snapchat, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are theirs too. They can have 8 Best Friends on the list, but that doesn’t mean you are one of them.

Snapchat found an interesting way to categorize friends in the list. There are pre-defined Friend Emoji that shows the different status of friendship. Before you can get the supreme tag – Super BFF (💞), you will have to be their Besties (💛) and then BFF (❤️).

Talking about the BFs (😊) or the Best Friends. One can have 8 BFs in their friend list. Snapchat algorithm creates a list of the people with who you exchange most of your messages and Snaps. Well, sometimes users complain about the appearance of someone on the BF list even if they never shared messages with them. Check out the reasons here.

Unlike Super BFF, Besties, and BFF tags, the BFs tag doesn’t appear for both users. To get the special tag, both the users – you and your friend have to be each other No.1 Best Friend for a specific period.

But that’s not the case with the Best Friend or BF tag. If you have sent most of your messages to a person named – Xylo, then Xylo will be your BF on Snapchat. But, if Xylo exchanged more messages or Snaps with someone else, then their BF would be that person, not you. Snapchat lets Xylo know about the same by mentioning a Smirking Face Emoji (😏) next to your name.

Well, that’s how the app describes online activity-based friendships. But don’t get carried away. These are just some tags assigned by an algorithm.

If someone is my #1 Best Friend on Snapchat am I theirs too

Yes, if someone is your No.1 Best Friend on Snapchat and a golden or yellow heart appears next to their name, you are their #1 Best Friend as well.

You see, a Snapchatter can have up to 8 Best Friends in their list, but there will be only one friend with whom they share texts and Snaps more than anyone in the list. Snapchat identifies them as the No.1 Best Friend.

But, the emoji for No.1 Best Friend – yellow or golden heart (💛) only appears only when you are their #1 BF as well. If that’s not the case, you will only see BFs emoji (😊) next to their names.

Why is someone I don’t Snap on my Best Friends list

If you don’t Snap to the person and they appear on your Best Friend list, it could simply mean that you are exchanging text messages with them more than most of the people on the list.

Read detailed answer in our previously published article.

Why is someone not on my Best Friends list on Snapchat

There can be many reasons why someone is not on your Best Friend list on Snapchat –

1. You are not putting much efforts

A person is considered your Best Friend by Snapchat when you interact with them the most on the platform. The interaction includes exchanging text messages, Snaps, replies to the story, and others.

2. Max Best Friends limit reached

Snapchat only allows you to have a maximum of 8 people in the Best Friend list. These are the top eight people in your list with whom you share texts and Snaps the most.

The list always gets updated but doesn’t add new people to the list. So, this could be the reason why a user does not appear in the BFs list on Snapchat.

3. The user left Snapchat

If you are sure that you haven’t reached the maximum best friend limit yet if it is possible that the user is not of Snapchat anymore.

If a user deletes their Snapchat account and decides to leave the platform, all the details like chats and personal details will be deleted, Snap score will be reset, and all the tags like Best Friend, and Super BFF will be removed.

4. The user unfriended you

Well, that’s very uncertain, but if the user disappeared from your list abruptly, it is possible that they have removed you. This could have been a deliberate action, but you should confirm if the person removed you by mistake.

5. The user blocked you

There is one more possibility of why someone is not on your Best Friend list on Snapchat. It is possible that you have been blocked by the user.

As you already know, blocking a person hides one’s profile from all over the platform, and that includes the Best Friend list as well.

How to know if you’re on someone’s Best Friends list

If you are on someone’s Best Friends list, Snapchat will show any of these emojis – the Smirking Face Emoji (😏) or BFs emoji (😊), or Golden Heart emoji (💛) next to their name.

If someone shares most of their messages and Snaps with you, they will find you on their Best Friend list. This can be found very easily by looking at the emojis. The smirking face (😏) emoji appears if you are in their Best Friend list, but they are not in yours. BFs emoji (😊) appears when both of you are on each other’s Best Friend list. Golden Heart emoji (💛) means that you are each other’s #1 Best Friend.


Now you know what happens if a certain emoji appears next to the person’s chat on Snapchat. The appearances can be a little confusing at first, but not impossible to understand.

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By Ankit
Ankit is an engineer by profession and blogger by passion. He is passionate to do all the stuff such as designing the website, doing the SEO, researching for the content, writing tech blog posts and more.