Latest Social Media News
Fix: FaceTime Audio Not Working But Video Works
If you've ever wondered why your FaceTime video plays, but the audio doesn't, you've come to the perfect spot. FaceTime…
Why Can’t I Reply to My friend’s Instagram Story?
Are you suddenly unable to reply to your friend's Instagram story? Don't know how to fix the problem? Looking for…
Why Can’t I Find Someone on OnlyFans
OnlyFans is a platform that allows users to produce and share exclusive material with their members for a price. Users…
What Does Instagram Active Today Without a Green Dot Mean
Have you ever been confused by Instagram's 'Active Now' or 'Active Today' status? Users often wonder what it means and…
What Makes Your Snap Score Go Up by One (8 Ways to increase)
Snapchat is a great social media app, and as such, snap scores are a fancy way of telling your friends…