
Latest Facebook News

How To Poke On Facebook (2024)

If you’ve been using Facebook since before 2015 or so, then you’re probably familiar with the ‘Poke’ feature. It was

Arvind Rueben 8 Min Read

How to Keep a Facebook Story Longer Than 24 Hours?

Facebook is one of the oldest social media platforms around, excluding MySpace, but we don’t talk about them anymore. They’ve

Arvind Rueben 8 Min Read

Why did my Facebook Story Disappear before 24 Hours?

Wondering why your Facebook story disappeared before 24 hours? You're not the only one, as a lot of users have

Arvind Rueben 13 Min Read

Facebook Messenger ‘May be Unavailable’ means

If you are encountering the “May be Unavailable” error message while contacting someone on Messenger, you have come to the

Naima Zubair 5 Min Read

What is SKU on Facebook Marketplace (Can You Skip It?)

If you sell products online, you might have noticed that you’ll be asked to add an SKU on Facebook Marketplace.

Arvind Rueben 8 Min Read