Latest Apps News
If I Lock a Chat on WhatsApp Will the Other Person Know
WhatsApp has recently announced a new privacy and security feature called 'Chat Lock.' With the App lock feature using a fingerprint…
(2024) Can you see who Viewed your Snap Map Story
Snap Map is a feature of Snapchat that allows users to share their whereabouts with one another and automatically updates…
Can You Get ITV hub on SKY Q (Yes, Here is How)
In the world of streaming services, ITV Hub stands out as a popular platform for enjoying a diverse range of…
Fix: FaceTime Audio Not Working But Video Works
If you've ever wondered why your FaceTime video plays, but the audio doesn't, you've come to the perfect spot. FaceTime…
Why Can’t I Reply to My friend’s Instagram Story?
Are you suddenly unable to reply to your friend's Instagram story? Don't know how to fix the problem? Looking for…