Can Life360 See What You Do on Your Phone

If you know anything about the Life 360 app, these wild thoughts must have crossed your mind: 

Can Life 360 see what you do on your phone?  Can Life 360 see your apps?  Can Life 360 see your screen?

If you’re concerned too, this article is for you.

Life 360 is a one-of-a-kind security app designed to help families stay connected and safe wherever they may be.

The app offers a real-time location tracking functionality [IL] that lets you keep an eye on your loved ones and notifies you when they enter or depart from specific areas.

While Life 360 is a great app to know about the whereabouts of your loved ones, there are also several privacy concerns related to it.

In this article, we will address the frequently asked queries about the Life 360 app including these: Can Life 360 see what you do on your phone? Can Life 360 see your apps? Can Life 360 see your screen?

So, if you love your privacy, keep on reading!

Can life360 see what you do on your phone

Let’s start off with the most commonly asked question, “Can Life 360 see what you do on your phone?” Well, the answer is a definite no.

It is important to understand that Life 360 app is designed to track the location of your loved ones not to spy on them.

Therefore, Life 360 doesn’t note your phone activity, it just keeps track of your location and helps you learn about the whereabouts of members in the circle like where they’re heading, when they’re leaving certain areas, etc.

To be precise, everyone in the circle can see what you’re currently doing and where you’re planning to go.

So, if you were worried that your mom would watch you talking to your crush through the Life 360 app, you can now take a sigh of relief.

Can life360 see your apps

The next burning question on the list is, “Can Life 360 see your apps?” Here, things can get a bit complex.

The Life 360 app knows about the apps you have on your phone and there’s a reason for this. The app offers a security feature known as “Distracted Driving” that keeps an eye on activities you do while driving.

For example, if you’re playing Candy Crush or talking to your friend whilst driving, the app will mark this activity and notify the other members in the circle that you’re distracted while driving. 

However, it’s important to note that Life 360 app doesn’t tell the other members the game you were playing or the person you were talking to, it just says you’re distracted whilst driving. Period.

Can life360 see your screen

Life 360 app collects location data by using the GPS on your phone, it’s got nothing to do with your screen like whom you’re chatting with, or what you’re surfing on the internet. 

Many users have privacy concerns that Life 360 might access their sensitive info, but know that it’s a billion-dollar company and it won’t stake its reputation by engaging in data breaches or identity theft. 

So, feel free to use your phone as the app is only designed to track location and it doesn’t gather info unrelated to it.


Wrapping Up:

All in all, Life 360 is a secure app that doesn’t invade your privacy. The app is an amazing addition to your safety system to keep your loved ones safe and sound and learn about their whereabouts. 

Need more reasons to download this app? You’ll have peace of mind even when you’re not around them.

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An experienced technical writer who specializes in simplifying technical jargon. Being a lifelong learner, she stays up-to-date with the latest trends and tools in the world of technology. When she’s not writing technical stuff, you can find her reading self-help books.