Naima Zubair

An experienced technical writer who specializes in simplifying technical jargon. Being a lifelong learner, she stays up-to-date with the latest trends and tools in the world of technology. When she’s not writing technical stuff, you can find her reading self-help books.
287 Articles

Who Delivers to Amazon Lockers

Are you wondering whether UPS delivers to Amazon Locker? We have all

Naima Zubair 3 Min Read

What Does Used Like New mean on Amazon (Explained)

If you’re a hard-core shopper at Amazon, you must have come across

Naima Zubair 5 Min Read

Fix: ASUS ROG Brightness Not Working/ Changing

ASUS ROG brightness not working? Fret not, we are here to assist.

Naima Zubair 8 Min Read

Why Can’t I Find Magic Eraser Google Photos

Are you unable to find the Magic Eraser in Google Photos? Fret

Naima Zubair 11 Min Read

Why Can’t I Send likes on TikTok Live

If you’re a TikTok junkie, you've probably seen top creators receiving tons

Naima Zubair 8 Min Read