Why Does Life360 Say Last Updated 2 Hours Ago?

Life360, a widely-used tracking app, regularly shows a “last updated” timestamp that demonstrates the final time a user’s area was upgraded. However, users have raised concerns about the Life360 say last updated 2 hours ago, causing perplexity and instability.

In this article, we are going to dig into the reasons behind this status and investigate its suggestions for users.

What does it mean when life360 says last updated?

When Life360 shows “last updated,” it alludes to the timestamp when the app finally got area information from the user’s gadget. This information can be sourced from different area administrations, counting GPS, Wi-Fi, and cellular systems, depending on the device’s capabilities and settings.

Thus, the “Final Upgraded” time does not essentially reflect the user’s current area but rather the most lateral area information accessible to the app.

Why does life360 say last updated 2 hours ago?

Short answer: Life360 shows “last updated 2 hours ago” because the app tries to balance between accurate location information and saving your phone’s battery. Instead of constantly tracking your location, it updates periodically. This helps reduce battery drain while still giving you a good idea of where your family members are.


Reasons for why does life360 say last updated 2 hours ago?

There may well be a few reasons why Life360 might appear a final update time of 2 hours ago

Reason 1: Background Refresh Interval

Life360 may upgrade its area information at standard intervals, like each 15 or 30 minutes, depending on the app’s settings or your device’s settings.

Reason 2: Battery Optimization

A few gadgets may optimize battery utilization for certain apps, causing them to upgrade less regularly to preserve power.

Reason 3: Phone Off or in Airplane Mode

If the user’s phone is turned off or in airplane mode, it won’t be able to transmit location data to the Life360 servers.

Reason 4: No Network Connection

In the event that the gadget is in a region with poor or no network, the area upgrades may be postponed until a connection is established.

So, you must ensure proper internet connectivity to eliminate problems like Life360 say last updated 2 hours ago.

Reason 5: VPN Connection

If the person is using a VPN (a kind of privacy tool) on their phone, it can make Life360 think they are in a different place than they really are, so it shows the wrong location.

Reason 6: App Back grounded

In case the Life360 app is running within the background, it might not upgrade the area in real-time, and instead, it upgrades the area after you open the app.

Reason 7: GPS Signal inaccessible

In the event that the GPS signal is frail or inaccessible, the Life360 app may not be able to induce exact area updates. It can be a potential cause of Life360 say last updated 2 hours ago.

Reason 8: Location Sharing Disabled

Sometimes, people can choose to stop sharing their location with Life360. If they do this, the app will still show the last known location, which might be 2 hours old.

Reason 9: Outdated App

If the Life360 app on the phone is not updated to the latest version, it can have bugs that cause location problems.

Reason 10: Server Issues

There may be brief server issues on Life360 that seem to cause delays in upgrading area data.

If you need more precise and up-to-date data, it’s best to check with the individuals you’re following to guarantee they have a steady arrange association and the app is working legitimately on their conclusion.



Life360 say last updated 2 hours ago status speaks to the time of the most recent area information obtained, not the display area. The 2-hour delay serves as a compromise to optimize battery utilization whilst giving sensibly up-to-date data.

Clients ought to get this qualification to dodge misguided judgments approximately real-time following exactness. As innovation propels, future overhauls may enhance real-time area following without compromising on gadget battery life, advertising clients a consistent and precise following encounter.

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By Ruby
An active wordsmith delivering high-quality technical content on AndroidNature.com. She loves to keep herself updated with consistent reading. A strong believer of consistent learning, she loves to read about technology, news, and current affairs.