What Does Other Snapchatters Mean (+ 1 more)

Don’t know what snapchatters mean?

Having trouble understanding Snapchat terms?

Read along and clear your doubts away!

Imagine sharing a photo as your profile image. Maybe a snap from the after-party you and your pals threw together. Almost all of the views and notifications you receive will offer you a positive emotional response.

When you get the preview or notification of your story, you may wonder what “other Snapchatters” refers to.

Not much is known for certain about what “other Snapchatters” actually means, despite the fact that Snapchat hasn’t exactly muddied the waters on the subject.

Either way, we have formed a good amount of inferences. After giving the question some thought, we now have a good idea of what is meant by “other Snapchatters.”

Soon after finishing the article, you will too. See below for a reasonable inference about who counts as “other Snapchatters” and how to get around that restriction.

snapchat logo
Source: Snapchat

What does other snapchatters mean

Simplified, this term could refer to people who formerly shared a bond but have since drifted apart.

Putting all the philosophical understanding aside, on Snapchat, “other Snapchatters” refers to nothing more than inconsistent followers.

Some of the following individuals may be in view here are: users who are missing from your list, participants in your block list and those who have unfollowed you.

Now, let’s explore each topic separately.

1: The person is not on your friend list.

If someone you haven’t added back on Snapchat has viewed your story, Snapchat says they will appear under “Other Snapchatters.”

On the other side, the viewers of the regular version of the narrative will see the people you added (and who added you).

According to Snapchat‘s own definition, “Other Snapchatters” are users you haven’t added.

As evidence, many have used a secondary account to add to their primary account. They then put up articles on their first account and check it out on their secondary account.

The secondary Snapchat account was included in the list of “Other Snapchatters” when they examined the viewers of their own primary account’s story.

Since you haven’t added them back, this supports the idea that “Other Snapchatters” are people who haven’t been added by you.

2: The person has unfriended you.

The other possibility is that the person you were friends with on Snapchat has unfriended you. The Snapchat user will be found under “Other Snapchatters” once they have done so.

Let’s say you added someone on Snapchat and they added you back. If they read your story, they’ll be added to the roll of regular readers. This person will be listed under “Other Snapchatters” if they no longer have you as a friend.

If you check your friend list and see that they’re no longer added, you know they’ve unfriended you.

A friend who has unfriended you can be identified by the presence of a gray arrow next to their name in your chat list, or the “Pending” status.

Pending status on Snapchat

In this case, they will be categorized as “Other Snapchatters” in the viewers of your story if they unfriended you.

3: The other individual has blocked you.

The persons listed under “Other Snapchatters” have blocked you, which is the final explanation for this appearance.

If someone has blocked you on Snapchat, they will no longer appear as one of the people who can see your stories. They’ll be categorized with “Other Snapchatters” instead.

Why does my other snapchat say 1 more

It’s a term for people on Snapchat who aren’t your buddies but nonetheless use the app.

The term “other Snapchatter” refers to users of Snapchat who are not your friends for one of three reasons: you did not add them as friends; they unfriended or blocked you; or you blocked them.

You are looking at that plus one.

If you share a Snapchat story with someone and that person views it, but they are not your friend on Snapchat then the viewer will be counted as a +1 in the viewership count for your story.

This could either be because you haven’t added them to your Snapchat contacts or because they have unfriended or blocked you.

However, there is another reason why Snapchat displays +1 more.

Only the names of the first 200 people who viewed your story will be displayed by Snapchat. If more than 200 people view your story, you will see a ‘+ 1 more’.

These people are not shown simply because they are late to view it. Snapchat basically uses a first come first basis method to display names and those coming late are not shown.

These are the people who are put under the + 1 more category on your screen.

What does other snapchatters mean +1 more mean

Like previously mentioned, people who have deleted you from their Snapchat account, whom you have deleted, or whose friend request you haven’t accepted are considered “other Snapchatters.”

But if their name appears under “+ More,” it means they have blocked you or that your Story is set to “Everyone,” in which case, everyone who has watched your Story but isn’t your friend will be included there.

Therefore, in a nutshell, here is what the Snapchat features “Other Snapchatters” and “+ more” refer to:

Those contacts you’ve received but not reciprocated by adding, the friends who have cast you out from their list,  all the people who have blocked you.

Last but not least, when you see the plus sign (+ more) on your app.

When someone you’re friends with blocks or removes you which is the most common reason, or when your story is viewed by someone who isn’t your buddy, Snapchat divides them by placing them beneath a + more category.

Why Snapchat says Other Snapchatters, but you are still friends

If the “Other Snapchatters” label appears despite your continued friendship, the other user has blocked you.

If you don’t know that you’re no longer a buddy, they may have already done so. You can check if you’ve been blocked on Snapchat in three different ways.

Step 1: Shown under ‘Other Snapchatters’

To begin with, your story viewers will see this individual listed under “Other Snapchatters.” They will no longer appear in your list of tale viewers should you decide to upload another story in the future.

This is because if someone blocks you on Snapchat, they won’t be able to see your profile. Consequently, they will no longer be able to view your content.

Step 2: The gray arrow appearing next to them

Second, if a gray arrow appears next to a user’s name in your chat list, it’s safe to assume that person has unfriended you.

Step 3: A pending status appears

For good measure, a “pending” status indicates that the person has actually unfriended you. The Snapchat user has blocked you if you receive a gray arrow and the “Pending” status.

How to Remove Other Snapchatters on Snapchat Story

You can remove names from the “Other Snapchatters” list by blocking the users whose names appear there. Alternately, you can restrict access to “My Friends” just in your Privacy Settings.

Follow the instructions provided to adjust your privacy settings to “Friends Only.”

remove other snapchatters

Step 1: Enter the settings menu

The first step is to enter the settings menu by tapping the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Select “View My Story”

Second, select “View My Story” under “Who Can…” after doing so.

Step 3: Choose “My Friends”

Afterwards, select “My Friends” as the privacy setting.

Step 4: Save your settings

Finally, you can save your settings by tapping the back button. Having completed this, “Other Snapchatters” will no longer appear in your story’s audience.


You can relax now that you understand what is meant by “other Snapchatters,” and if someone looks at your account without adding you, just imagine that they are followers in a parallel universe in which you are a famous person.

Remember that the purpose of this medium is to make you more social, therefore try to avoid being too crude or realistic in your expressions.

We hope that you had a positive experience using Snapchat and wish you the best of luck in the Snapchat world!

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An aspiring psychologist, Bhavya is in love with technology, sports, and social media. Writing is her passion and solving people’s queries through her guides on AndroidNature is her hobby!