
Ankit is an engineer by profession and blogger by passion. He is passionate to do all the stuff such as designing the website, doing the SEO, researching for the content, writing tech blog posts and more.  
176 Articles

Fix: Vizio TV turns off by itself after 3 seconds or 5 seconds

If Vizio TV turns on and then shuts off right away and

Ankit 12 Min Read

Chasing Your Dreams: How to Make Money Work for What You Want

Imagine a life where you can freely explore the world, secure your

Ankit 4 Min Read

Can you Call Someone on Messenger if you are not Friends on Facebook

The Messenger app from Facebook is an instant messaging platform where you

Ankit 5 Min Read

Can you call someone on WhatsApp if they Blocked you

WhatsApp's 'block this chat’ feature allows users to completely disable the other

Ankit 6 Min Read

What does Snapchat ‘Clear from Chat Feed’ mean | Details

Snapchat is one of the few social media apps where privacy acts

Ankit 9 Min Read