Abhishek Nath

Technical writer and avid fan of cutting-edge gadgetry, Abhishek has authored works on the subject of Android & iOS. He's a talented writer who can make almost any topic interesting while helping his viewers with tech-related guides is his passion. In his spare time, he goes camping and hiking adventures.
372 Articles

Why can’t I See who Rewatched my Snapchat Story

Snapchat, a widely used social media platform that is well-known for the

Abhishek Nath 4 Min Read

When you Delete a Message on WhatsApp can other Person See it

Want to know If you delete a message on WhatsApp can the

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read

What Does ‘The Number You Have Called is Not Recognised’ Means

Communication is an essential component of each one of our lives in

Abhishek Nath 8 Min Read

Why is Someone Who I Have Never Chatted to Before in My Recent List on Snapchat?

If you're wondering why someone you've never talked to before appears in

Abhishek Nath 9 Min Read

Why does my Firestick Keep Kicking Me Out of Apps (Solutions)

If your Firestick keeps kicking you out of apps you have landed

Abhishek Nath 6 Min Read