Naima Zubair

An experienced technical writer who specializes in simplifying technical jargon. Being a lifelong learner, she stays up-to-date with the latest trends and tools in the world of technology. When she’s not writing technical stuff, you can find her reading self-help books.
287 Articles

How to Sync Pinterest Between Devices

Are you wondering how to sync your Pinterest account between devices? Look

Naima Zubair 5 Min Read

I Got a Follow Request Then It Disappeared

Wondering why follow requests disappear on Instagram? Look no further than this

Naima Zubair 4 Min Read

Instagram Call No Answer Meaning (Calling vs Ringing)

Instagram, a social media giant, has revolutionized the way we connect with

Naima Zubair 5 Min Read

How to Stop Seeing Stories on Facebook News Feed (2 Ways)

Are you wondering why Facebook stories appear on top of your news

Naima Zubair 5 Min Read

Why i Am Getting Random Burst of Likes on Instagram

Are you getting spam likes on Instagram? Fret not, you’re not alone

Naima Zubair 9 Min Read